Monday, October 11, 2021

Homework Gets Tough, But These Strategies Can Help Parents


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Some children blow through their now-impressive stacks of homework like it's a breeze and some children struggle through every worksheet. These are things a modern parent is used to dealing with. But what do you do when your child hits a roadblock and the homework is tougher than anticipated? Difficult homework is particularly challenging for parents today because school and subjects have changed so much in the last few years. You may or may not recognize the subject matter, but your child has to complete the worksheets and assignments either way.

Read on for some great parenting strategies to help your child when homework gets tough.

Bring Out the Advanced Learning Gear

If neither of you can find the answers or gain full understanding from the book and handouts, it's time to pull out the serious gear. Grab a tablet to find the study aids your child needs. There are many powerful tablets to choose from. The latest tablets provide ample memory and power in a slim and lightweight package, so your kiddo can get to work nearly anywhere, anytime.

Be Supportive and Encouraging

No matter what you’re up against, remember to always be supportive, and encourage your child to think things through. Remind your child that you believe in them and that you believe them that the homework is really hard. Assume that they are doing their best, and tell them that they are smart enough to figure it out. As Nurture & Thrive explains, this encourages positive self-talk because you prepare your child to succeed, when their own thoughts might be preparing them to fail.

Tackle the Subject Together

If your child continues to struggle, sit down next to them and make the homework a team effort. Things are often easier for children with a partner alongside, but as Parents points out, make sure you’re helping without doing it for them. You might help them find the right place in the book to read, explain what the passage says, or help them dig up an in-class handout with the answers. 

Another tactic is to simply ask your child to explain the subject to you. In taking the role of teacher and sorting information, they might realize that they do already know the answers. 

When all else fails, it's time to look up answers in a way your child can understand. There are tons of homework help videos that explain the tough subjects of today's curriculum, and a big collection of helpful homework practice apps in the app store. Between the two of you, you and your child should be able to find the answers and explanations you need to tackle the homework together.

Motivate and Reward for a Job Well Done

Finally, when you've both happily succeeded at filling out the worksheet with the right answers (or your best guesses, as is sometimes the case), it's time for a little reward. Your child has worked hard and, hopefully, they've maintained a pretty good attitude about the whole thing along the way.

Build a predictable reward structure that motivates your child to finish homework by letting your child watch a few entertaining videos or play a video game they enjoy. And since you've been doing homework together, this may be a good time to reward yourself as well! A small gift like some workout gear, a breathable dress for relaxing at home, or a massage can be a reward for a job well done.  

Being a great parent during tough homework time requires a strategy, but not a hard one. Become your child's partner in the tough task, play the student, and make sure your child has the technological tools to tackle the problem. By going at things with the right tools and a can-do attitude, you’ll get through it - together!

Help your child gain confidence, knowledge, and study skills by working with Lizzie Tutoring. Virtual sessions are available!

guest post by Jenna Sherman from Parent-Leaders

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