Tuesday, November 13, 2018

New Worksheet - Math - Basic Algebra Practice (II)


1. 77 - 6z = 27 - 7z + 10

Answer: ______________________

2. 64 + 8x = 6 + 7x + 61

Answer: ______________________

3. 91 (x + 10) = 317x

Answer: ______________________

4. 0.6 x + 0.2 (6) = 0.7 (x + 8)

Answer: ______________________

5. 7 (2 - 10 (x + 3)) = - x

Answer: ______________________
6. 7 (7 - 4 (x + 5)) = 60 x

Answer: ______________________

7. 3 ( 7 + 5 (x - 10)) = - 70

Answer: ______________________

8. 97 - 2x/11 = 9

Answer: ______________________

9. 71 - 27x = 8 + x / 6

Answer: ______________________

10. 19 - 8x = - 13 + x / 7

Answer: ______________________

11. Clarence is about to publish a new book. The publisher has given him two options: receiving $9,000 up front and 6% of the sales of the book or $29,000 up front and 2% of the sales of the book. What do the sales have to be for Clarence to make the same amount from each option?

Answer: ______________________

12. Louise walked past Thurman at a speed of 3 feet per second. After 8 seconds, Thurman started after her at a speed of 7 feet per second. How many seconds did it take Thurman to catch Louise?

Answer: ______________________

13. Michael has some ordinary mints that cost 60 cents per pound. If he wants to mix them with 10 pounds of minty mints that cost 90 cents per pound to create a mixture of "sorta minty mints" that cost 75 cents per pound, how much of the 60-cent candy must he use?

Answer: ______________________

14. The medieval spice merchant wants to blend some garlic powder, which costs 36 cents per pound, with 5 pounds of ground pepper, which costs 45 cents per pound, to create a big batch of medieval smelling salt worth exactly 40 cents per pound. How many pounds of the garlic powder should he use?

Answer: ______________________

15. Igor has a mixture containing 10% boric acid. He wants to combine this with 3 liters of a mixture containing 17% boric acid. How much of the 10% mixture must he use to create a combined mixture that has 14% boric acid?

Answer: ______________________

16. A 380-pound alloy containing 20% silver was mixed with an alloy containing 57% silver to get an alloy containing 40% silver. How many pounds of the 57% alloy were used?

Answer: ______________________

© 2018 Laura Glassel – lizzietutoring.blogspot.com

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