Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Worksheet - Math - Percents

Write the following proportions first as a fraction and then as a percentage:

1. 6 of 24 ____________________

2. 3 of 15 ____________________

3. 17 of 34 ____________________

4. 12 of 16 ____________________

5. 10 of 30 ____________________

6. 51 of 34 ____________________

7. 3800 of 19000 ____________________

8. 72 of 80 ____________________

Answer the following word problems:

9. John's allowance is 50% of what Jim receives. By what percentage does John's father need to raise John's allowance so that John receives the same amount as Jim? ____________________

10. The area of a rectangular field with a length of 60 feet and a width of 40 feet is to be expanded by 12%. By how many feet must the length be increased if the width is to stay the same? ____________________

11. For adults, a person's blood amounts to about 7% of that person's weight. How many pounds of blood does a person have who weighs 165 pounds? ____________________

12. A can of condensed milk contains 14 ounces of milk with a fat content of 10%. How many ounces of water would you have to add so that you would get milk with a fat content of 4%? ____________________

© 2017 Laura Glassel – lizzietutoring.blogspot.com

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