Tuesday, September 25, 2018

New Worksheet - Chemistry - Temperature and Heat (II)

C = 5/9 (F - 32)
F = 9/5 (C) + 32
K = C + 273.15
1 calorie = 4.184 Joule
1 food calorie (Cal) = 1,000 chemistry calories (cal)
q = (m) (c) (change in T)
- q object = q water + q calorimeter

Problem 1
119 g of ethanol at 51.0 degrees is heated until it reaches 92.0 degrees. The specific heat of ethanol is 2.46 J / (g)(C). How much heat does the ethanol gain?
Answer: _______________________

Problem 2
How much heat is required to raise the temperature of 249 g of liquid ammonia from 61.5 degrees C to 81.2 degrees C? The specific heat of liquid ammonia is 4.70 J / (g)(C).
Answer: _______________________

Problem 3
A solid substance has a mass of 180 g. It is cooled by 76.1 degrees C and looses 8040 J of heat. What is the specific heat?
Answer: _______________________

Problem 4
A piece of metal with a mass of 11.4 g is heated to 58.7 degrees C. When the metal is placed in 88.0 g of water at 37.0 degrees C, the temperature of the water rises by 57.0 degrees C. What is the specific heat of the metal?
Answer: _______________________

Problem 5
A piece of gold (specific heat = 0.129 J / (g)(C)) with a mass of 91.2 g and a temperature of 35.8 degrees C is dropped into 937 g of water at 19.8 degrees C. What is the final temperature of the two combined?
Answer: _______________________

© 2018 Laura Glassel – lizzietutoring.blogspot.com

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

New Worksheet - Chemistry - Atomic Mass (II)

1 amu = 1.66 x 10–24 g
g / amu = # of moles
1 mole = 6.02 x 1023

Problem 1
Write out the balanced reaction for the complete combustion of C14H30.
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Problem 2
If an automobile completely combusts 9.22 grams of C14H30 (see your reaction for #1), how many grams of carbon dioxide will be produced?
Answer: ___________________________

Problem 3
What is the mass of one CoCl2(NH3)4 molecule in amu?
Answer: ___________________________

Problem 4
Write out the balanced reaction for the formation of Fe(H2O)6.
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Problem 5
If in the reaction from #4 4.31 moles of Fe (iron) are used, how many moles of Fe(H2O)6will be produced?
Answer: ___________________________

Problm 6
What is the mass of one Ir atom in grams?
Answer: ___________________________

© 2018 Laura Glassel – lizzietutoring.blogspot.com

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

New Worksheet - Chemistry - Entropy (II)

Problem 1
Write out the balanced equation that shows that beryllium reacts with water to form beryllium hydroxide and hydrogen.
Answer: ________________________________________________________

Problem 2
If you have 25.0 grams of carbon in one pile and 55.0 grams of carbon in the other, which sample of carbon has more entropy?
Answer: ________________

Problem 3
If a reaction has a ΔH of – 135.0 kJ / mole and is spontaneous for all temperatures less than 177 K, what is its ΔS?
Answer: ________________

Problem 4
If a reaction has a ΔH of – 118.0 kJ / mole and is spontaneous for all temperatures less than 183 K, what is its ΔS?
Answer: ________________

Problem 5
If the ΔH of a certain reaction is – 1031 kJ/mole and the ΔS is – 195 Joules / (mole) (K), what is the temperature range for which this reaction is spontaneous?
Answer: ________________

© 2018 Laura Glassel – lizzietutoring.blogspot.com

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

New Worksheet - Chemistry - Combined Gas Law (II)

0 degrees C = 273.15 K
P1 V1 / T 1 = P2 V2 / T2
1.000 atm = 101.3 kPa
760.0 torr = 1.000 atm
760.0 mmHg = 1.000 atm

Problem 1
A balloon is filled with air so that its volume is 3.1 L at 59.0 degrees C. It is then lowered into a vat of liquid nitrogen so that it reaches a temperature of – 168.0 degrees C. Assuming that the pressure stays constant, what is the new volume?
Answer: ________________

Problem 2
A balloon is filled with air so that its volume is 2.9 L at 73.0 degrees C. It is then lowered into a vat of liquid nitrogen so that it reaches a temperature of – 159.0 degrees C. Assuming that the pressure stays constant, what is the new volume?
Answer: ________________

Problem 3
A balloon is filled with helium at a temperature of 97.0 degrees C and a pressure of 415 mmHg so that its volume is 6.15 L. It then rises to an altitude where the temperature is 11.0 degrees C and the pressure is 810 mmHg. What is its volume at that altitude?
Answer: ________________

Problem 4
A chemist collects 64.1 mL of nitrogen gas at 17 degrees C and 450 torr. What would the volume be if the temperature is changed to 554 K and the pressure is raised to 8.24 atm?
Answer: ________________

Problem 5
A chemist collects 48.6 mL of oxygen gas at 38 degrees C and 430 torr. What would the volume be if the temperature is changed to 818 K and the pressure is raised to 6.73 atm?
Answer: ________________

Problem 6
A balloon is filled with air so that its volume is 7.5 L at 43.0 degrees C. It is then lowered into a vat of liquid nitrogen so that it reaches a temperature of – 225.0 degrees C. Assuming that the pressure stays constant, what is the new volume?
Answer: ________________

Problem 7
A chemist collects 46.1 mL of nitrogen gas at 62 degrees C and 320 torr. What would the volume be if the temperature is changed to 631 K and the pressure is raised to 8.87 atm?
Answer: ________________

Problem 8
A balloon is filled with helium at a temperature of 57.6 degrees C and a pressure of 584 mmHg so that its volume is 4.33 L. It then rises to an altitude where the temperature is 57.5 degrees C and the pressure is 836 mmHg. What is its volume at that altitude?
Answer: ________________

© 2018 Laura Glassel – lizzietutoring.blogspot.com

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