Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Word Problems – Newton's Second Law Worksheet - Part 2

Solve the following word problems using this formula: force = mass x acceleration

1. A 52-kg water-skier is being pulled by a speedboat. The force causes her to accelerate at 2 m/s^2. What is the force?

2. How much force is needed to accelerate a 1000-kg elevator at 2 m/s^2?

3. What is the force needed to accelerate a 55-kg cart at 15 m/s^2?

4. Assume that a catcher in a professional baseball game exerts a force of 65.0 N to stop the ball. If the baseball has a mass of 0.145 kg, what is its acceleration as it is being caught?

5. A 214 kg boat is sinking in the ocean. The force of gravity that draws the boat down is partially offset by the buoyant force of the water, so that the net unbalanced force on the boat is 1310 N. What is the acceleration of the boat?

6. A house is lifted from its foundations onto a truck for relocation. The unbalanced force lifting the house is 2850 N. This force causes the house to move with an acceleration of 0.03 m/s2. What is the mass of the house?

© 2017 Laura Glassel – lizzietutoring.blogspot.com

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

New Worksheet - Word Problems – Newton's Second Law - Part 1

Solve the following word problems using this formula: force = mass x acceleration

1. The tallest man-made structure at present is the Warszawa Radio mast in Warsaw, Poland, This radio mast rises 646 m above the ground, nearly 200 m more than the Sears Tower in Chicago. Suppose a worker at the top of the Warszawa Radio mast accidentally knocks a tool off the tower. If the force acting on it is 3.6 N, and its acceleration is 9.8 m/s^2, what is the tool’s mass?

2. In drag racing, acceleration is more important than speed, and therefore drag racers are designed to provide high accelerations. Suppose a drag racer has a mass of 1250 kg and accelerates at a constant rate of 16.5 m/s^2. How large is the force acting on the racer?

3. What net force is required to accelerate a car at a rate of 2 m/s^2 if the car has a mass of 3,000 kg?

4. A 10 kg bowling ball would require what force to accelerate down an alleyway at a rate of 3 m/s^2?

5. Sally has a car that accelerates at 5 m/s^2. If the car has a mass of 1000 kg, how much force does the car produce?

6. What is the mass of a truck if it produces a force of 14,000 N while accelerating at a rate of 5 m/s^2?

© 2017 Laura Glassel – lizzietutoring.blogspot.com

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

New Worksheet - Word Problems - Finance Worksheet

Word Problems – Finance Worksheet

Solve the following word problems.

1. Michael buys a ball for $5.50 and a flashlight for $3.65. How much does he spend?

2. How much does Michael have left from $10 after making the purchases listed in number 1?

3. The 32 children of a class bring in $5 each for a school trip. What is the total of the amount brought in?

4. A set of 5 shelves can be made from a piece of wood 4 yards long. What fraction of a yard will each shelf be?

5. Each of 5 children has $16. How much do they have altogether?

6. If the above total (in number 5) were shared among 8 children, how much would each child have?

7. A stamp album can hold 550 stamps. How many stamps will 5 albums hold?

8. A train can take 425 passengers. How many can it take in four trips?

9. Mr. Jenkins puts $256 a month into the bank. How much will he have put in after six months?

10. A theater can seat 5524 people. If a play runs for 7 days, what is the maximum number of people who will be able to see it?

11. A car costs $19,956. How much will it cost a company to buy nine cars for its salespeople?

12. Installing a new window for a house costs $435. How much will it cost to install 8 windows of the same size?

© 2017 Laura Glassel – lizzietutoring.blogspot.com

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

New Worksheet - Chemistry - Stoichiometry

1. In the decomposition of 3.4 moles of nitrogen dioxide, how many moles of oxygen would be formed?
Answer: ________________

2. NH3 is formed by hydrogen and nitrogen reacting together. If you want to make 5.2 moles of NH3 , how many moles of hydrogen would you need?
Answer: ________________

3. 5.6 grams of CH4 reacts in a complete combustion reaction. How many grams of CO2 will there be?
Answer: ________________

4. 7.6 grams of P4O10 is formed through a formation reaction. How many grams of phosphorus will you need?
Answer: ________________

5. CuS decomposes into copper and sulfur. If you end up with 3.24 grams of sulfur, how many grams of CuS did you start with?
Answer: ________________

© 2017 Laura Glassel – lizzietutoring.blogspot.com

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