Tuesday, September 26, 2017

New Worksheet - Chemistry - More Problems on the Combined Gas Law

1. A sample of a gas occupies 450 mL at a pressure of 0.750 atm. If the temperature is held constant and the gas expands to 1000 mL what will the new pressure be?
Answer: ________________

2. A sample of oxygen occupies 5.2 L at 955 torr. What volume will it occupy at 760 torr?
Answer: ________________

3. A sample of nitrogen gas occupies 155 mL at 25 degrees C. What volume will it occupy at – 25 degrees C at constant pressure?
Answer: ________________

4. The volume of a gas is 2.50 L at 20 degrees C and the pressure is held constant.
a. What is the volume of the gas at 200 degrees C? Answer: ________________
b. At what temperature (in C) will the volume be 5.00 L? Answer: ________________
c. At what temperature (in C) will the volume be 1.50 L? Answer: ________________
d. What is the volume of the gas at – 100 degrees C? Answer: ________________

5. Calculate the number of moles of oxygen in 1.00 L at 25 degrees C and 1.00 atm.
Answer: ________________

6. What pressure is needed to confine 6.00 moles of ideal gas in a volume of 4.45 L at 35 degrees C?
Answer: ________________

7. What volume will 0.459 moles of CO2 occupy at 100 degrees C and 0.95 atm?
Answer: ________________

8. At what temperature (in degrees C) will 1.58 moles of H2 occupy 20.0 L at 955 torr?
Answer: ________________

9. What is the volume of 7.50 moles of He at 800 torr and – 10.0 degrees C?
Answer: ________________

© 2017 Laura Glassel – lizzietutoring.blogspot.com

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

New Worksheet - Chemistry - Molarity

Problem 1
Calculate the molarity of a 2.5 L solution made with 200.0 g of calcium chloride.
Answer: _______________________

Problem 2
How many grams of NaCl would be required to produce a 3.0 M solution with a volume of 0.5 L?
Answer: _______________________

Problem 3
How many grams of NaOH would be required to produce a 1.25 M solution with a volume of 2.00 L?
Answer: _______________________

Problem 4
How many grams of KCl would you need to weigh out to prepare 0.25 L of a 2.00 M KCl solution?
Answer: _______________________

Problem 5
Calculate the molarity of a 40.0 mL solution of 5.85 g NaCl.
Answer: _______________________

Problem 6
Calculate the volume in mL if you have 12.5 g of Na2CO3 from a 0.12 M solution.
Answer: _______________________

Problem 7
Calculate the volume in mL if you have 30.0 g LiOH from a 2.7 M solution.
Answer: _______________________

Problem 8
Calculate the final concentration if water is added to 0.150 L of a 6.00 M HCl solution to give a volume of 0.5 L.
Answer: _______________________

Problem 9
Calculate the final concentration if a 10.0 mL of a 2.5 M KCl solution is diluted with water to 0.25 L.
Answer: _______________________

Problem 10
Calculate the final concentration if water is added to 0.25 L of a 12.0 M KBr solution to give a volume of 1.00 L.
Answer: _______________________

© 2017 Laura Glassel – lizzietutoring.blogspot.com

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

New Worksheet - Chemistry - Temperature and Heat

˚C = 5/9 (˚F - 32)
˚F = 9/5 (˚C) + 32
K = ˚C + 273.15
1 calorie = 4.184 Joule
1 food calorie (Cal) = 1,000 chemistry calories (cal)
q = (m) (c) (ΔT)
- q object = q water + q calorimeter

Problem 1
100 g of ethanol at 25.0 degrees is heated until it reaches 50.0 degrees. The specific heat of ethanol is 2.46 J / (g)(C). How much heat does the ethanol gain?
Answer: _______________________

Problem 2
How much heat is required to raise the temperature of 789 g of liquid ammonia from 25.0 degrees C to 82.7 degrees C? The specific heat of liquid ammonia is 4.70 J / (g)(C).
Answer: _______________________

Problem 3
A solid substance has a mass of 250 g. It is cooled by 25.0 degrees C and looses 4930 J of heat. What is the specific heat?
Answer: _______________________

Problem 4
A piece of metal with a mass of 14.9 g is heated to 98.0 degrees C. When the metal is placed in 75.0 g of water at 20.0 degrees C, the temperature of the water rises by 28.5 degrees C. What is the specific heat of the metal?
Answer: _______________________

Problem 5
A piece of gold (specific heat = 0.129 J / (g)(C)) with a mass of 45.5 g and a temperature of 80.5 degrees C is dropped into 192 g of water at 15.0 degrees C. What is the final temperature of the two combined?
Answer: _______________________

© 2017 Laura Glassel – lizzietutoring.blogspot.com

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

New Worksheet - Chemistry - Atomic Mass

1 amu = 1.66 x 10–24 g
g / amu = # of moles
1 mole = 6.02 x 1023

Problem 1
Write out the balanced reaction for the complete combustion of octane (C8H18).
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Problem 2
If an automobile completely combusts 7.94 grams of octane (see your reaction for #1), how many grams of carbon dioxide will be produced?
Answer: ___________________________

Problem 3
What is the mass of one KC2H3O2 molecule in amu?
Answer: ___________________________

Problem 4
Write out the balanced reaction for the formation of MgCr2O7.
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Problem 5
If in the reaction from #4 5.73 moles of Cr (chromium) are used, how many moles of MgCr2O7 will be produced?
Answer: ___________________________

Problm 6
What is the mass of one Lu atom in grams?
Answer: ___________________________

© 2017 Laura Glassel – lizzietutoring.blogspot.com

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