Tuesday, August 29, 2017

New Worksheet - Chemistry - Entropy

Problem 1
Write out the balanced equation that shows that magnesium reacts with water to form magnesium hydroxide and hydrogen.
Answer: ________________________________________________________

Problem 2
If you have 30.0 grams of carbon in one pile and 50.0 grams of carbon in the other, which sample of carbon has more entropy?
Answer: ________________

Problem 3
If a reaction has a ΔH of – 150.0 kJ / mole and is spontaneous for all temperatures less than 195 K, what is its ΔS?
Answer: ________________

Problem 4
What is the sign of ΔS for the following reaction: H2O (l) + CaO (s) → Ca(OH)2 (s)
Answer: ________________

Problem 5
If the ΔH of a certain reaction is – 1023 kJ/mole and the ΔS is – 324 Joules / (mole) (K), what is the temperature range for which this reaction is spontaneous?
Answer: ________________

© 2017 Laura Glassel – lizzietutoring.blogspot.com

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

New Worksheet - Chemistry - Combined Gas Law

0 ˚C = 273.15 K
P1V 1 / T 1 = P2 V2 / T2
1.000 atm = 101.3 kPa
760.0 torr = 1.000 atm
760.0 mmHg = 1.000 atm

Problem 1
A balloon is filled with air so that its volume is 5.6 L at 22.0 ˚C. It is then lowered into a vat of liquid nitrogen so that it reaches a temperature of – 185.0 ˚C. Assuming that the pressure stays constant, what is the new volume?
Answer: ________________

Problem 2
Write out the balanced equation that shows that nitrogen trihydride reacts with oxygen to form nitrogen monoxide and water.
Answer: ________________

Problem 3
A balloon is filled with helium at a temperature of 25.0 ˚C and a pressure of 755 mmHg so that its volume is 6.65 L. It then rises to an altitude where the temperature is 15.0 ˚C and the pressure is 625 mmHg. What is its volume at that altitude?
Answer: ________________

Problem 4
A chemist collects 56.7 mL of nitrogen gas at 25 ˚C and 740 torr. What would the volume be if the temperature is lowered to 273 K and the pressure is raised to 1.00 atm?
Answer: ________________

Problem 5
A chemist collects 83.2 mL of oxygen gas at 32 ˚C and 560 torr. What would the volume be if the temperature is lowered to 273 K and the pressure is raised to 1.00 atm?
Answer: ________________

Problem 6
A balloon is filled with air so that its volume is 2.7 L at 15.0 ˚C. It is then lowered into a vat of liquid nitrogen so that it reaches a temperature of – 117.0 ˚C. Assuming that the pressure stays constant, what is the new volume?
Answer: ________________

Problem 7
A chemist collects 63.2 mL of nitrogen gas at 12 ˚C and 890 torr. What would the volume be if the temperature is lowered to 251 K and the pressure is raised to 1.24 atm?
Answer: ________________

Problem 8
A balloon is filled with helium at a temperature of 22.3 ˚C and a pressure of 856 mmHg so that its volume is 7.91 L. It then rises to an altitude where the temperature is 12.9 ˚C and the pressure is 527 mmHg. What is its volume at that altitude?
Answer: ________________

© 2017 Laura Glassel – lizzietutoring.blogspot.com

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

New Worksheet - Geography - Latitude and Longitude

1. Name 5 cites lying near 40° north latitude.

2. Name 3 cities lying near 45° north latitude.

3. Name 4 cities lying near 35° north latitude.

4. Name 3 cities lying near 30° north latitude.

5. Define: longitude, meridian, east longitude, west longitude.

6. What points on the earth have the lowest possible longitude? Greatest possible?

7. How does the arrangement of meridians differ from that of parallels of latitude?

8. Find a place on the earth having 0° 00' 00'' latitude and 0° 00' 00'' longitude.

10. What meridian of longitude does New Kensington lie near?

11. Longitude range: Between what two meridians of longitude do the following countries lie: Alaska, United States, Brazil, Russia, SIberia, India, Dutch East Indies, Germany, and China?

12. How many degrees east of London are these cities? (use a map of Europe) Belgrade, Budapest, Hamburg, Munich, Rome, Leningrad, Archangel, Oslo, Helsingfors, and Paris?

13. Six airplanes have radioed their positions as follows. What countries are they near?

Latitude: 15° N // Longitude: 35° W // Countries: __________________________________________________

Latitude: 50° N // Longitude: 135° W // Countries: __________________________________________________

Latitude: 20° S // Longitude: 160° E // Countries: __________________________________________________

Latitude: 30° S // Longitude: 80° W // Countries: __________________________________________________

Latitude: 10° S // Longitude: 20° W // Countries: __________________________________________________

Latitude: 35° N // Longitude: 70° W // Countries: __________________________________________________

Latitude: 20° N // Longitude: 95° W // Countries: __________________________________________________

Latitude: 10° S // Longitude: 80° W // Countries: __________________________________________________

© 2017 Laura Glassel – lizzietutoring.blogspot.com

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

New Worksheet - Geography - Latitude

Location: Latitude

1. Define: latitude, north latitude, south latitude.

2. What places on earth have the lowest possible latitude? Highest possible?

3. What symbol is used to indicate latitude?

4. Find the latitude of the following: Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Arctic Circle, Antarctic Circle, North Pole, South Pole.

5. What is the specific latitude of New Kensington? Name two other cities in about the same latitude.

6. One degree of latitude equals approximately 70 miles (exact 69.172). How many miles north of the equator is New Kensington?

7. Latitude range: Between what two parallels of latitude do the following countries and continents lie?
United States, British Isles, South America, New Guinea, Australia, Greenland, Japan, Russia, Italy, China, Brazil, Canada, and Mexico

8. What is the latitude of the following cities? Use a map of the United States.
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Boston, New York City, Denver, Los Angeles, Portland (Oregon), Detroit, New Orleans, Salt Lake City, Memphis (Tennessee), Springfield (Illnois), and Baltimore

© 2017 Laura Glassel – lizzietutoring.blogspot.com

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

New Worksheet - Science - Acceleration

Acceleration Problems

formula: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time

Find the acceleration in m/s2
1. If the object originally travels at 3 m/s and accelerates to 10 m/s in 3 sec.
Answer: _______________

2. If the object originally travels at 4 m/s and accelerates to 12 m/s in 5 sec.
Answer: _______________

3. If the object originally travels at 9 m/s and slows down to 3 m/s in 4 sec.
Answer: _______________

4. If the object originally travels at 15 m/s and accelerates to 25 m/s in 2 sec.
Answer: _______________

5. If the object originally travels at 16 m/s and slows down to 2 m/s in 4 sec.
Answer: _______________

Find the final velocity in m/s
6. If the object originally travels at 2 m/s and accelerates at 5 m/s2 in 4 sec.
Answer: _______________

7. If the object originally travels at 3 m/s and accelerates at 7 m/s2 in 9 sec.
Answer: _______________

8. If the object originally travels at 2 m/s and accelerates at 15 m/s2 in 7 sec.
Answer: _______________

9. If the object originally travels at 15 m/s and accelerates at -2 m/s2 in 3 sec.
Answer: _______________

10. If the object originally travels at 5 m/s and accelerates at 4 m/s2 in 30 sec.
Answer: _______________

Find the time in seconds
11. If the object originally travels at 2 m/s and accelerates at 5 m/s2 to reach a velocity of 20 m/s.
Answer: _______________

12. If the object originally travels at 3 m/s and accelerates at 7 m/s2 to reach a velocity of 31 m/s.
Answer: _______________

13. If the object originally travels at 2 m/s and accelerates at 15 m/s2 to reach a velocity of 30 m/s.
Answer: _______________

14. If the object originally travels at 15 m/s and accelerates at -2 m/s2 to reach a velocity of 5 m/s.
Answer: _______________

15. If the object originally travels at 5 m/s and accelerates at 4 m/s2 to reach a velocity of 37 m/s.
Answer: _______________

© 2017 Laura Glassel – lizzietutoring.blogspot.com

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